When available Highland Park Guest House offers extended stays of 30 nights or more! The nightly rate for stays of 30 Nights or longer is $70.00** including all fees and taxes.
**Taxes not applicable to contract rentals of 30 days or longer.
Highland Park Guest House, as availability allows, also offers short term stays based on a minimum stay of 4 nights.
The nightly rate for stays of between 4 and 6 nights is $97.54 including all fees and taxes. This rate is based on a nightly rate of $85.00 plus 14.75% lodging taxes.
The nightly rate for stays of 7 nights or longer is $91.80 including all fees and taxes. This rate is based on a nightly rate of $80.00 plus 14.75% lodging taxes.
The nightly rate for stays of 14 nights or longer is $86.07 including all fees and taxes. This rate is based on a nightly rate of $75.00 plus 14.75% lodging taxes.
The availability calendars to the right are kept as up to date as possible. However, both bookings and cancelations fluctuate. Please contact us via email thru our Reservations Page to confirm availability. We will also be happy to wait list additional parties for booked dates.